Free Science of Happiness at Work Assessment /Report
Free iOpener Institute UK UK The Science of Happiness at WorkTM profile to measure how happy you are at work.
What is “Happiness at Work”?
We now know that Happiness at Work is strongly correlated with improved productivity, increased performance, better health, longevity in a job, increased energy, engagement, inspitration motivation, confidence and recognition and more. It is so vital that it matters to both employees and employers.
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The The Science of Happiness at WorkTM: our definition… More…
We believe that Happiness at Work is a mindset which enables action to maximize performance and achieve potential. Emotions indicate that actions are on the right track, but mindset matters most. This mindset results in positive attitude, optimism, resilience and courage – or psychological capital.
Psychological capital is an essential part of social capital, which in turn contributes greatly to human capital. And that of course affects the bottom line.
What’s exciting about this new science is that we have really strong data showing just how clear the financial benefits that support the The Science of Happiness at WorkTM are.
So what does it consist of?
Over 6 years of research bu iOpener Institute UK UK has identified five components (5Cs) that are the foundation and build Happiness at Work:
- Contribution is the effort an individual or team makes
- Conviction is short-term motivation
- Culture is a feeling of fit at work
- Commitment is long-term engagement
- Confidence is the belief in ones abilities
Theee 5 foundation Cs form an “atmosphere” or weather system which works together to support increased performance.
When one leg starts to weaken it will impact, influence and affect the others. But when individuals, teams or organizations have high levels of all the 5Cs, coupled with high levels of Trust, Recognition and Pride, then they can perform at their best inspite of environmantal factors or influences.
These are surrounded and supported by:
- Trust
- Recognition
- Pride
Enjoy your free happiness at work personal assessment to build happier workplace culture in your tribes.
For Science of Happiness Coaching, Consulting, assessments, staff and leadership development building and tribal leadership call Tony 083-447-6300