High Performance Organization (HPO) Success factor: Management Quality
High Performance Organization (HPO) Success factor: Management Quality
Aspects of management quality
The 1stt and most NB factor that determines whether an organization is and remains a High performance Culture is the quality of the management and Leadership.
The management in an HPO combines many qualities and that is what makes it such a challenge to become a real HPO manager. This first HPO factor has 12 characteristics.
Managers of an HPO build a strong relationship of trust with employees at all levels of the organization by respecting them, listening to them, asking them for help, learning from them, devoting a lot of time to developing and maintaining personal relationships with them, expressing faith and trust in them, treating them as smart people, focusing on openness and honesty in all interactions with members of the organization, giving credit where credit is due, only criticizing them during bilateral discussions and always being available to them.
Managers of an HPO have integrity by being honest and sincere, having strong ethical standards and values and also promoting these standards and values in other members of the organization, being trustworthy and consistent, not trying to be popular at the expense of everything else and creating agreement between words and actions by leading by example.
Managers of an HPO have a strong exemplary role by showing involvement, enthusiasm and respect, showing their vulnerability, not being arrogant, asking for deviating opinions, not concentrating on the negative, not being detached, publicly committing to objectives they wish to achieve, working hard themselves and being persistent when things are going against them.
Managers of an HPO are decisive by not overanalyzing but taking sufficient time to make good decisions about effective actions, immediately intervening in the event of problems, keeping in mind the short-term as well as the long-term interests of the organization for each important decision and being able to think outside of the box.
Managers of an HPO are action-oriented by being bold when they need to be, inspiring members of the organization to action, always tracking the course and results of actions and reviewing each decision made and action implemented in order to learn from them.
Managers of an HPO coach and facilitate members of the organization by being supportive and encouraging, helping them and protecting them from disrupting external influences, being available to them and not telling them how they should achieve their objectives but giving them fast, direct feedback about their performance.
Managers of an HPO are strongly focused on achieving results by continuously working visibly for the organization as regards achieving the set objectives, proactively finding and using opportunities to achieve a competitive advantage for the organization or making the organization more efficient and developing intolerance for mediocrity.
Managers of an HPO are effective in everything they do by continuously searching for the best way of doing things, resolving conflicts in a constructive manner, proactively dealing with issues before they turn into real problems and ignoring unimportant issues by remaining focused on that which is really relevant to the organization.
Managers of an HPO develop a strong leadership style by continuously propagating the organization’s values, checking whether employees are receiving and understanding the strategic message, continuously sharing their vision with members of the organization and being a strong leader in difficult times.
Managers of an HPO are self-confident by exhibiting the right combination of modesty and professionalism, presenting themselves as being at people’s service instead of being in a leading role, knowing themselves, recognizing their own strengths and limitations, continuing to learn and being authentic, self-assured, disciplined and emotionally strong.
Managers of an HPO always hold members of the organization accountable for their results by giving the employees the responsibility for performing well, clarifying responsibilities and the associated expected performance, subsequently holding members of the organization (both employees as well as fellow managers) personally accountable for achieving the agreed-upon results, letting them know and see what the consequences are if the agreed-upon results are not achieved and themselves being responsible for their own results.
Managers of an HPO are decisive as regards “non-performers” by consistently evaluating members of the organization as regards their achieve results, not wavering in taking difficult decisions, and not allowing non-performing members of the organization to “muddle on” too long but helping them find a new position within or outside of the organization.
Source: Hpocenter.com