Title : Keynote speakers :Perfect Partnerships for Enhanced Workplace Employee Engagement
Tony Dovale – Professional Speaker, Keynote Presenter, Coach & Catalyst
Keynote Speech Details
Category: Business speakers Executive Summary
This Employee Engagement presentation explains the relevance, roots and value of Employee Engagement in the workplace and gets the audience to examine their workplace engagement strategies.
Employee Engagement is a pre requisite for Staff Retention, Productivity, Creativity, and good team building in the 21st century.
IQ won’t do it, EQ can’t do it. AQ is CORE to your success, but if your staff have no commitment or interest in your workplace, it’s a prison.
Employee Engagement is fundamental to higher productivity and cohesive workplace. Most companies workplace engagement levels are dismal! Dis-engagement levels are usually about the same as engagement levels -15%-25% we remainder floating nebulously in the middle..
Discover strategies for lifting leadership ande employee engagement levels in your workplace.
Duration: 60-70 minutes
Ideal Audience: All leaders, managers, supervisors, business professionals, and staff that are concerned about Talent Retention, Staff Engagement, and workplace health/stress levels.
Content: Business content
Minimum Audience Size: 12 Maximum Audience Size: No Maximum Fee Structure Details: see speaker fees & rates Speech Format : (No handouts with the speech)
Additional Information – What’s in it for participant?
An awareness of their Employee Engagement challenges in the workplace. An understanding of the importance and value of Employee Engagement. Strategies to measure, build and maintain engagement. Enlightened Leadership can begin to ensure their staff are lead in ways that enhance engagement and productivity Discover how important Engagement is in the workplace and the role and impact it has on Retention, Team Spirit, health, stress levels, creativity, energy, communication, resilience, relationships, and business results. People need to be equipped to handle the pressures and challenges of the 21st century.
Speech Outline: After building a foundation for understanding Staff Engagement and recognising the importance of positive Employee Engagement, participants are exposed to the theory, principles and practices for building greater workplace engagement. Attendees will gain and understanding into their own engagagement levels and what they can begin to do immediately to enhance them.
What You Take Away? Examining Employee Engagement, its impact in the workplace and the value of enhancing workplace engagement, enables leaders and managers to begin to design a more empowering and engaging workplace.
Additional Notes: Notes: Some companies are shocked to discover that their engagement levels are lower then the general averages. At least that shakes them up sufficiently to begin to redesign their approach to Talent Retention and workplace appeal. The entire process is a discovery and a challenge to Leaders to move their business practices in the 21st century of enlightened business. Employee Engagement levels are a good predictor of workplace health and higher-ground leadership activities.
Tony Dovale SA’s #1 Energy Coach, Professional Speaker, Coach & Resilience Specialist Resilience@Coachfree.com 083-447-6300 transform your employee engagement today.