WealthShift Workshops covers…. Financial Consciousness
Tony Dovale’s LifeShift Success Ensurance Workshops
Few people ever receive any kind of effective training around money, finances, decision making, values and money management.. This is why 90% of people struggle financially for most of their life.
Tony Dovale’s LifeShift experience v has is a systemised approach to building a foundation, framework and structure to ENSURE SUCCESS in ever dimension of life and business.
-• Money/Finances is the one of the biggest stimulants, ethical failures for negative behaviour, depression and anxiety in the world. • 95% of people struggle financially onmultiple levels of stress. • When staff have financial pressures/ challenges their productivity and health are severely affected. • When your staff have financial pressures/ challenges they work less, stress more and don’t connect or communicate well with people. • When your staff have financial pressures/ challenges, they are less valuable as employees.
The WealthShift PROCESS is designed to assist and guide people to overcome their negative conditioning, programms and perceptions regaqrding money, worth, saving and investing.
• WealthShift helps people see that most financial issues in their life are in their head, manifesting into their real life.
• It helps them adjust their mindset around money and debt and designs a mental, emotional and behavioural plan of action for them to become more financially stable.
• It also teaches the importance of saving and living well within your means.
• It then helps people deal with their self-worth, Self Esteem and supports them becoming better people overall.
I guarantee you, if you start your staff on this process they will become, more productive, happier, Resilient and proactive…and much better ambassadors for your brand and company.
Staff that work with money (accounting, debtors, creditors, buying etc) benefit in numerous additional ways:
• Their association, relationship and behaviors with money will improve and their ability to mange money will improve.
• They will find it easier to communicate around money and connect with debtors and creditors.
• They will become positive forces in the financial performance of your company.
Staff who work in sales will also benefit in these ways: • Their perception of value will change and they will help grow your business more willingly. • They will find it easier to close more sales . • They will increase their sales because they have a different attitude around money.
Executives and senior managers will also benefit in these ways:
• Because of their changes in how they see money and personal wealth, they will be re-energised to help grow your company and perform at peak.
• They will lead people better and use the understanding of financial imbalance to help their staff perform better.
• They will attach themselves to the financial success of your business and grow it as if it was their own.
This event is in no way just for people who run their own businesses. It is a human element event and enhances, empowers and ennergises people to perform better around money, financeas and wealth…both personally and at work.
Help your staff to have a Wealthy Mindset and associated positive behaviors.
For More information contact Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300