NeuroScience Leadership
Neuroleadership is a modern day scientifically validated approach to leadership, management, education, and coaching that harnesses the insights, discoveries and applications of social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience.
Developments in the Neuroleadership field aims to assist organizational leaders, managers and coaches in learning highly effective and practical strategies for managing and regulating themselves, as well as relating to their team members, associates, and staff in a more effective manner that reveals them to be smart, “brainwise” and more effective leaders.
The Neuro Science field has 4 core focus areas:
- making decisions and solving problems,
- staying cool under pressure,
- collaborating with others,
- and facilitating change.
If you are interested or ready to learn how to incorporate neuro science into your leadership activities team building’s and organizational Culture change and leadership building events call Tony dovale on 083-447-6300 or email neuro at