Profile 1: Barrier point at Awareness



In both the 2007 and the 2009 Best Practices in Change Management reports, research participants identified lack of awareness as the primary reason why employees and managers were resistant to a change. Without awareness of the need for change, individuals lack crucial pieces of information that block progress with change.

When Awareness or Desire is the barrier point, you will see little or no evidence that the change is taking place. This is the most obvious, yet important, observation: change is not happening with this person.

If the barrier point is Awareness of the need for change, you may see the person simply ignoring the change completely. He or she may pretend that no change is going on, and simply continue with business as usual. If confronted, the person may question why the change is needed, or he or she may argue or debate the reasons for change. It is not uncommon for an employee to defend the current state, especially if they helped create the process or tools currently being used.

Building Awareness is the first step in enabling a successful change. Awareness sets the foundation for helping individuals make personal choices about the change at hand. This first step requires effective communications from the sponsor of the change, as well as careful coaching by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Employees need to know the nature of the change, why the change is happening, and how the change aligns with the direction of the organization. They need to hear these messages from people they trust. Some employees may need time to digest this information, and time to internalize the business reasons for the change. Some employees may need to hear the message multiple times from different people.

source: prosci.


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